Scientific experts and delegates from 17 countries have urged relevant governments to establish a 'Tsunami Early Warning System' for the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean. The experts emphasized that although several components of the system are already present, they are not yet properly coordinated with each other.
The experts took part in a second meeting, organized by UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the North East Atlantic and Mediterranean Tsunami Early Warning System (ICG / NEAMTWAS). According to the experts, the frequency of tsunamis in these areas, after the Indian Ocean, is the highest. With an expected number of coastal residents, in the Mediterranean region alone, of 90 million and an average number of tourists of 312 million in 2025, a well-functioning 'early warning system' is indispensable. Long term funds are indispensable to set up this system effectively.