Relationship between the Netherlands and UNESCO
The Netherlands joined UNESCO on January 1, 1947. In the same year, the Nationale UNESCO Commission was also established, consisting of experts in one or more of UNESCO's fields of activity. They strive to introduce UNESCO's intellectual objectives in the Netherlands as widely as possible. All member states of UNESCO have a National UNESCO Commission; UNESCO is the only UN organization with such a structure.
The total budget for the period 2006-2008 is $ 635 million. The Netherlands will pay € 2,520,260 and $ 2,278,436 compulsory contributions to UNESCO for 2006. In the years 2004-2005, UNESCO received € 290 million in additional budgetary contributions from the member states. The Netherlands contributes in particular to UNESCO educational institutions and activities and to the World Heritage Committee (WHC).
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They strive to introduce UNESCO's intellectual objectives in the Netherlands as widely as possible.
They aim to intellectual objectives of UNESCO as wide as possible to introduce in the Netherlands.
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