Which topics does the Netherlands consider important?
Education is a central theme for UNESCO and most Member States. There is a realization that education is essential for achieving sustainable economic growth and closer social cohesion. UNESCO's main priority in the field of education is to guarantee basic education for all children by the year 2015. Extra emphasis is placed on literacy, HIV / AIDS prevention education and teacher training in sub-Saharan Africa. UNESCO promotes education as a fundamental right through the program & lsquo; Education for All & rsquo ;.
The Netherlands focuses on promoting citizenship through education, introducing more skills-oriented education, lifelong learning and the link between formal and informal learning.
In the context of development cooperation, the Netherlands makes a significant contribution to the capacity / quality development of education in developing countries through the & lsquo; International Institute for Educational Planning & rsquo; (IIEP), & lsquo; Association for the Development of Education in Africa & rsquo; (ADEA) and the & lsquo; Southern and Eastern African Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality < / a> & rsquo; (SACMEQ).